Section Title
• Sidewalks (H) (The City of Leakesville is proposing to construct/pave roughly 5,000 feet of sidewalk on MS Highway 63 N from the McIntosh Homes, adult senior living, down in front of the Leakesville Junior High School to the center of town - connecting to the existing sidewalks in front of the local grocery store. The city would like to make the sidewalks as ADA compliant as possible to create a safe route into town for the seniors who walk down and back every day as well as creating safe access for the students currently walking to and from the Junior High.) o May 2023: Pre-application o September 30th, 2023: Application Submitted o February 2024: Project Awarded for Phase 1 (McIntosh Homes to ~Dandy Dan’s) ($605,000 80% of projected project cost) o July 2024: Sidewalk Project Kickoff meeting o August 2024: Advertisement for Engineering Design
• Green Park o November 2023: Pre-application Planning o December 1st, 2023: Application for Phase 1 submitted o December 18th, 2023: Grant awarded $50,000 from MS Power and ~$14,000 from MSLO o January 2024: Advertisements for project work o February 2024: Bids Accepted o March 2024: Bids rejected. Error in submitted bids. Awaiting summer functions to end in Park o July 2024: Design of pavilion commissioned