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Bear Creek Municipal Ballpark

The following terms and conditions are now policy for use of the Municipal Ballpark, as of August 6, 2024:

A form is required to be filled out prior to the use of the field.  This ensures there will be no conflicts between groups, due to scheduling.  These forms are available at City Hall.


• Key Ownership: The keys belong to the City of Leakesville.
• Key Responsibility: The individual borrowing the keys is responsible for their safekeeping and any damages or costs incurred due to loss or misuse.
• Key Usage: Keys are to be used only for authorized purposes and cannot be lent to others.
• Key Return: Keys must be returned after use.
• Ballpark Cleanup: The individual using the ballpark is responsible for cleaning up afterward. This includes emptying all cans in the facility as well as inside the park. A dumpster is available in the park for this reason.
• Key Return Timeline: Immediately after event.
• Damage Definition: IE. Damage to toilets, urinals, supply dispensers, windows, structure, etc.
• Emergency Contact: Providing an emergency contact number for the City of Leakesville in case of issues during the event, is mandatory.
• Bathroom Inspection: Bathrooms must be left clean and undamaged.
• Ballpark Lights: Access to the lights at the Ballpark is limited. Please only use when necessary, and they should be the last item to be turned off.
• Donation Request: A donation is suggested for events that span multiple nights or are recurring one-night events, in the amount of $25 per night.
• Reason for Donation: The funds will contribute to the cost of lighting.


League use is covered under a different MOU between the City and each League.  All Leagues need to submit their practice, game, tournament, etc. schedules as quickly as possible to ensure a cooperative season and to make sure maintenance does not interfere with events.


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